Top 10 Recommended Crystals

Crystals are powerful tools to promote healing and connection to a higher power. There are hundreds of different types of crystals with varying meanings, looks, and properties. When choosing to work with different crystals you may consider what may best serve a specific purpose or simply go with what looks good to you. Yet, if you’re just getting started and don’t know where to start, consider starting here with my recommendations for the top 10 crystals everyone needs in their stash from my own personal experience!

  • Amethyst is a form of Quartz and is known as the third-eye stone for its connection to the third eye and crown chakras. Amethyst translates to “not intoxicated” speaking to its natural ability to bring calmness, clarity, protection, groundedness, and tranquility. It also helps with insomnia, intuition/insight, connecting to our highest consciousness and divinity, manifestation, creativity, and helps to ease stress, anxiety, nightmares, and addiction

  • Black Tourmaline is known as the stone of protection and cleansing of negative energy. It works through the Root chakra to create an intense energy of groundedness, healing, focus, and protection. Black Tourmaline also helps to protect against harmful radiation and EMF waves along with other environmental pollutants. It is a powerful stone ushering in feelings of self-confidence, power, emotional balance/cleansing, and enhances the senses.

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  • Clear Quartz is one of the most popular and recognizable crystals on Earth. It is also the most versatile offering cleansing properties not only of itself but of all other crystals as well. Clear Quartz is a crystal of amplification working with any and all power to amplify areas of weakness while helping to dispel areas of lack. When connected to other crystals, it works to amplify their energy and direct it appropriately. By working most closely with the crown chakra, Clear Quartz also helps with connecting to the divine/higher consciousness, protection, balance, purification, clarifying thoughts/feelings/beliefs, improving concentration, and overall balancing the mind, body, and spirit as a master healer.

  • Green Aventurine is known as the great comforter and heart healer. It works directly with the hearth chakra to neutralize all negative energy and experiences. Aventurine is a stone of prosperity, luck, and abundance. Like Green Jade and other green stones, its powers are most closely tied to growth, balance, prosperity, luck, financial gain, and positive lifeforce energy. This stone helps to reinforce leadership and decisiveness which are necessary to propel one’s life forward while also providing the gentle comfort of compassion and empathy encouraging perseverance. Green Aventurine allows one to embrace feelings of calmness, well-being, duality, and physical regeneration.

  • Lapis Lazuli is semi-precious stone known for its powerful magical properties and is said to be “the performers stone” as it enhances audience engagement, public speaking, and overall public representation by working with the Throat Chakra. It also helps with the following: communication of all types, learning, encouraging honesty, and speaking one’s truth to bring harmony and improve overall performance.

  • The Stone of Unconditional Love, provides love, kindness, compassion, self-healing, self-love, compassion, empathy, self-worth, emotional healing, joy, peace, and playfulness. Great for personal self-love journey or expressing intimate love and genuine connection.

  • Selenite is a stone of protection and balance. It is known for its master cleansing properties, which is why you can find it used with a variety of crystals. It is a great way to charge and cleanse a space removing negative/stagnant energy making way for purified, positive energy. Selenite works through the third eye and crown chakras to assist in cleansing the aura, connecting with the Divine, providing protection, and removing negative energies and self-limitation from the mind, body, and/or spirit. This stone is extremely soft and equally as powerful. *** to be handled with care – NOT SAFE FOR WATER.

  • Sodalite is known as the natural amplifier and can help bring balance to areas/energies that are out of alignment. This crystal works through the third eye and throat chakras to allow one to speak their truth, communicate effectively, create emotional balance, and connect with spiritual guidance. It brings overall balance to ones mood, enhances self-trust, as well as opens the heart-space for connection with ones surroundings and others.

  • Tigers Eye is a manifestation and protection stone that can help when struggling with issues of self by working with the Root, Solar Plexus, and Throat Chakras. It helps to enhance one’s willpower providing the necessary support to areas of ones life that may be difficult or struggling. It also helps with the following self-expression, self-worth, self-esteem, self-definition, self-love, self-concept, self-criticism, and manifesting goals. Tigers eye overall helps to channel the needs of the ego with the sense of self to provide a powerful sense of advocacy and connection to one’s personal needs.

Sound off below and let me know what crystals you currently have in your stash and how you’re incorporating them! Our inventory is stocked with various products containing many of the above listed stones, including the Mercury Retrograde Crystal kit! Consider checking it out! You can also explore some of my favorite online crystal shops including:


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