Three Ways to Practice Good Mental & Spiritual Hygiene

Well welcome to May LOVs and welcome to our blog! I am so excited to be bringing this aspect to the community and what better day to start it than today!

This will be a quick post, moreso like a newsletter or update. Shameless plug, if you’re not already subscribed go ahead and make sure you do that here.

Truthfully, these last few months I have been feeling such deep feelings of change and realignment. I left a long-term relationship, I went back to school, I started exploring new opportunities and relationships and BABY – it’s been a whirlwind. We will talk about some of the things I have been doing to maintain my mental health in a different post.

Speaking of mental health, this month is mental health awareness month and I’m coming in to remind you of three ways you can practice good spiritual and mental hygiene.

Meditate: Meditation is by far one of my favorite ways to not only practice self-care, but to also regulate my emotions, clear my mind, or simply just set the tone for having a good day. Meditating for 20 minutes per day has been proven to help reduce stress, anxiety, depression, and increase focus, motivation, and groundedness. Check out my favorite meditation app, Shine, for your daily dose of meditation practices and reminders.

Connect with nature: Getting outside and breathing a bit of fresh air can instantly raise our vibrations, reset our nervous system, and give us space to process the complex experiences we have. Exercising is also scientifically proven to reduce stress/anxiety while raising chemicals associated with happiness and relaxation such as dopamine. Check out my favorite hiking app, AllTrails, for hiking and walking trails near you!

Build community: One of my favorite African Proverbs states, if you want to go fast go alone. If you want to go far, go together. As human beings, we are biologically wired to need healthy connections and to commune with others. These last two years being in a global pandemic and still trying to recover has undoubtedly caused many of us to feel disconnected from the communities we spent so much time building. This month as we transition into summer, the weather warms up, and people begin getting more comfortable with being around others, it’s the perfect time to consider scheduling some time to connect with your loved ones. We have two events coming this month that would be great opportunities to commune. Check out our events calendar.

I hope this month you take the time to take care of yourself and remember the most important relationship you have is the one with yourself.


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